Looking for rootin’ tootin’ good time? Look no further than a show about the most famous frontiers woman of them all, Calamity Jane.
A new book is exploring the social history of Newark through the lens of one of the town’s most historic businesses.
A group of travellers illegally camped on a Newark park have officially been served with court papers.
Our ‘already fragile’ social care services face an ‘enormous strain’ due to rising costs, according to concerned council leaders.
One of the district’s most historically significant buildings has been named as Visitor Attraction of the Year at the Nottinghamshire Tourism Awards
Eleven suspects have been charged with drug offences after a series of warrants were executed.
A popular music festival is set to return this summer and will shine a spotlight on the best of Nottinghamshire’s home-grown talent.
Following the announcement that local government will be restructured, a council has been challenged on a decision to relocate a CCTV control room.
A council is investing in outdoor spaces to encourage residents to appreciate the area they live in through the creation of a new village trail.
An appeal has been made to recognise one of Newark’s most influential and historical figures, 90 years after her death.
A council has agreed to a smaller increase in council tax for the coming financial year.
A council has given its backing to proposed plans to create a more accessible and adaptive community sports facility.
The annual International Women’s Day — which takes place on March 8 — aims to recognise inspirational figures from all walks of life.
An annual event to commemorate the life of a 17th century Newark philanthropist will take place this weekend.
A major church restoration project is preparing to be hit with a funding hole of around £600,000 following recent changes to VAT rules.
A remarkable woman has been battling the elements on a hiking challenge to honour Newark’s female Mayors and support causes close to her heart.
A ceremony to remember Newark’s darkest day of the second world war will be held this week.
Newark has marked Pancake Day with a quirky medieval tradition.
A former Mayor of Newark will be leading a Women's History Walk this International Women's Day.
A care home was filled with animal mischief when they welcomed some wonderful therapy animals.