Newark Parish Church raises awareness of climate change with Climate Sunday events
A church is to hold a week of climate-focused activities.
The activities at Newark Parish Church will start with a Climate Sunday Service on August 22, at 9am.
It also includes a series of talks, films, a holy communion, a children’s activity day and organ concert.
Sue Dutton, eco-church representative, said: “This is our opportunity to show the community in Newark and beyond what St Mary Magdalene with St Leonard’s is doing in response to climate change.
“With a few simple adjustments to our everyday lives, we can make an impact on our environment. Could we consider walking to the office/town/church? Ride our bicycles instead of using our cars for a few weeks? At St Mary with St Leonard’s, we are using reusable coffee mugs going forward; as well as LED light bulbs and environmentally-friendly toilet rolls.
“Why don’t you come along during our Climate Week and enjoy one of our activities or listen to one of our speakers? Maybe you could join a prayer session led by one of our lay readers or listen to some climate change-focused poetry?”
“Climate change affects us all and the concern for our world requires action right now, before it is too late.”
Climate Sunday has been organised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, with support from charities including CAFOD, Christian Aid, Tearfund, A Rocha UK, and Operation Noah.
There will also be various displays at Newark Parish Church, including one from the church’s Bishop White Library about the birds and the bees, Christian Aid, and Newark Art Club will be showing lockdown artwork.
Archbishop Justin Welby said: “It becomes ever clearer that climate change is the greatest challenge that we and future generations face.
“It’s our sacred duty to protect the natural world we’ve so generously been given, as well as our neighbours around the world who will be first and worst affected. Without swift decisive action the consequences of climate change will be devastating.”
Here is a full list of talks taking place on Monday, August 23:
11 am: "Why climate change matters to the church" with Revd Davic McCullough
11:30 am: "Why living sustainably is such a key part of living like Jesus" with Emily White
12 pm: "Food mile: making the switch from global to national to local" with Leisa Pickles
12 pm: "Eco women worriers for change" with Claire Kay
12:30: "You and your food — what it's like being vegan" with Jemma Riley
1 pm: "Learning to live sustainably — 30 minute workshop" with Emily White and Jemma Riley
1:30 pm: "Climate emergency project update" with Briony Ashton, environmental policy and and projects officer at Newark and Sherwood District Council
2 pm: "One world — one climate" with Chris Rose
2:30 pm: "Green poetry — how poets down the years have explored our relationship with nature" with John Florance, St Mary's Poetry Club
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