Man launches a free interactive google map of Newark, Nottinghamshire that showcases town’s colourful history and architecture
An interactive history map has been created which will be free and usable by all.
The map of Newark was created by Dave Fargher who is an admin for the Newark on Trent photographs group on Facebook.
It was launched to celebrate the third anniversary of the Facebook group.
“As most will know, I've been posting each day for the past couple of months about historic sights in town, curiosities and perhaps some lesser known slices of information,” said Dave.
“I wanted to collate all the information and make it readily available to all (on and off Facebook)
“I've turned it all into an interactive map, free and usable by all,
“I've plotted some 130+ sights, mostly in the town center proper.
“Just click on the link and you can either click on the points on the map or the legend on the left (sometimes along the bottom, just click white name bar ) and it will give you the photo/details and the link to the original post about each with more pictures/information/history etc.
“On iPhone you may have to open the map in your browser for best use (this map was mainly developed on Android/desktop
“On some mobiles, just click the pin and then click the bottom (where the name is) to view the picture/info/link
“You can also enable location so it will show you where you are on the map (when viewing on your phone) so you can wander round and see what's near to you (perhaps find something you've never noticed before).
“Or if you walk past something that you want to know more about, just open the map, look where you are and find the pin
“Its still a work in progress but please do share (ill be adding more and surrounding villages in due course)
“Hopefully it will come in handy for residents and visitors to the town, looking for the popular and lesser known sights that our beautiful town has to offer.
“I’ve also roughly drawn the location of the old town wall.
“This has been put this together in my own time to share sights and information about the beautiful town we live in and the historic sights we have on our doorstep to hopefully promote our town.”