Funding boost for Newark Castle Gatehouse project
Plans to turn Newark Castle's Gatehouse into a major visitor attraction have moved forward thanks to an £84,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The development funding means Newark and Sherwood District Council can progress its plans to a stage where it can apply for a full grant at a later date.
The scheduled ancient monument is one of the finest surviving Norman gatehouses in the country.
The project aims to restore the Gatehouse area of the castle - where King John died 800 years ago - with the addition of a roof, floors and windows.
It will open up new rooms which will allow for exhibitions.
A new entrance into the gatehouse via the castle's North West tower will allow for a separate, paying attraction to be developed.
The project will also house an educational resource featuring King John, Norman crime and punishment, the outlaw sub-culture that surrounded Robin Hood, and the castle's role in Newark's civil war history.
Castle warden Floss Newman said: "We are so excited to announce we have received this heritage lottery funding.
"It will bring a whole new dimension to the castle and enrich Newark's history even more."
For more information, visit the Newark Castle Gatehouse page on Facebook.