Southwell Town Council investigates after dog poo trodden through public toilet
A council is investigating after dog pooed in a town's public loo.
Southwell Town Council has shut the public toilets on Church Street until a deep clean has taken place.
It is now investigating CCTV to see if the person and dog responsible can be identified.
The council said it had to close the toilets as the poo had been trodden throughout.
Now, it is reminding dog owners not to allow their pets to poo in public toilets as it ruins it for everyone else.
"Yes a dog has pooped on the floor, we are currently checking CCTV," wrote the council on its Facebook page.
"Unfortunately, due to someone letting their dog use the human toilet, we have now got to close Church St toilets so we can do a deep clean and disinfect as its has been trodden through the toilets.
"This is why we ask users not to take their dogs in."