Newark Library Gardens is being nurtured six months on from Stop the Chop protest
Land home to trees that were at risk of being felled more than six months ago is now being nurtured.
More than half a year since the Stop the Chop protest, which fought against the district council's decision to fell the trees and extend London Road carpark, a dedicated group is working to rewild the garden next to Newark Library.
A Friends of the Library Garden group has partnered with the Newark and Sherwood District Council's street scene manager Ben Stacey and his team to nurture the garden to its fullest potential.
If you've been past the garden recently, you may have noticed the grass has grown longer with wildflowers including poppies and foxgloves emerging.
The Friends group planted more than 300 native wildflower plugs and native hedging, along with a field maple tree.
Although the false acacia tree at the back of the garden had to be felled due to disease, the wood was saved and carved into three seats so people can sit and enjoy the garden.
There are bluetits nesting in a bird box in the sycamore. Other birds seen include crows, robins and even ducks which are often spotted foraging in the long grasses. A muntjac deer has also been seen.
Pamela Ball, who started the Friends of the Library Garden group and one of those who camped overnight during the tree protest in November last year, said: "The garden has already become a wildlife haven with baby bluetits ready to fledge, three ducks who are daily visitors and a muntjac deer which has been seen grazing beneath the sycamore tree.
"The other day, in the garden with some of the Friends group, a baby bluetit kept tentatively popping its head out of the nest box, possibly trying to decide if it was safe to venture out. We could tell it that we’ve created a safe space for it and its siblings."
The garden is being used for outdoor learning by toddler groups and home educators. A yoga group meets there regularly too.
In July, the Library Garden will be assessed by Royal Newark in Bloom judges.
To mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, Protect Newark's Green Space has strung homemade 'superhero' bunting on the lime tree to honour the Queen's Tree of Trees sculpture (made out of 350 living trees) which is due to be unveiled on Thursday outside Buckingham Palace.
Thomas Heatherwick, creator of the Tree of Trees, said trees were the 'superheroes' of our towns.