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Family of Balderton woman diagnosed with CUP cancer set up GoFundMe Page to make lasting memories

A family has set up a GoFundMe page after a mother of five was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Eloise Allsop, 40, of Balderton was given the devastating news that she has months to live after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.

A mother of five children aged five, seven, 18, 19 and 22, Eloise and her husband Daniel are determined to live life to the full in the time they can. With that in mind Eloise’s cousin, Charmaine Allen, has set up a GoFundMe page with a target of raising £3,000 to help the family make lasting memories.

Eloise Allsop, Daniel and their two younger children
Eloise Allsop, Daniel and their two younger children

“We only want to make memories and if the chemotherapy doesn’t work the money will be used for Daniel and the children to make memories,” said Eloise.

“When I think of my children, I just think that I am not going to be there to see them do things, and I’m not seeing any of them get married, you just think of the little things.

“When you are told that you have got terminal cancer and got months to live you can't have any expectation on life, it is one day at a time and hour by hour.”

“Just going or afternoon tea with my mum is one of the things that I want to do, make those memories and make the most with each and every single one of my children.”

Eloise’s health problems began seven months ago when she went to King’s Mill Hospital in Mansfield with severe back pain, which she was given medication for.

Months later, she went back to the hospital saying that the back pain got worse rather than better.

“The doctor said that my pain could be all in my head, phantom pain and I told them that I don’t wake up myself at three in the morning thinking I have phantom pain,” said Eloise.

Eloise Allsop and husband Daniel Allsop at their wedding
Eloise Allsop and husband Daniel Allsop at their wedding

She pressured the doctors to get a MRI scan, which showed enlarged lymph nodes under her right armpit, in her groin, a couple in her chest, and in her back and stomach.

She was referred to a haematologist and went through CT scans, full-body biopsy, bone marrow biopsy and PET scans.

She added: "I went back to the haematology and they said it was not lymphoma which initially they thought it could possibly be, but it is something more sinister, it is cancer.

“It didn’t register with me when the doctor told me, I had to ask him three times what he meant. My husband Daniel started crying and that was when the doctor said he could’t do anything for me.

“It felt like he was talking about a third person, it is absolutely crazy.”

Eloise Allsop's older children
Eloise Allsop's older children

Eloise was diagnosed with cancer of unknown primary (CUP), which is spreading from around the main artery to her heart and it is inoperable, on February 13.

CUP cancer is a type of cancer in which the doctors are unable to see where it started before it spread.

Eloise will have a first round of chemotherapy on Thursday (February 29) and is hopeful that it will help reduce the size of the tumours.

“You know you have got no choice and you either lay down or fight and I am fighting.”

“When we found out it was CUP we knew I had cancer but in everybody’s mind was cancer, I’d have treatment and then everything would be ok.

“Until we went to the oncology and he broke the news to us.

“We are praying for a miracle but that is a million-dollar situation. It is a gamble, I am going to chemotherapy with an open mind, and there is a chance it might work, but it is a 50-50 situation.”

She posts on her Facebook page constantly, updating her family and friends on her situation.

“I was talking to Daniel how we want to get caravans at the coast for when we are older and enjoying our retirement,” Eloise said.

“I have always wanted to go to New York and we said we would go when the children leave. You make plans, don’t you? Not thinking that a simple backache can basically ruin your life.”

Her husband Daniel added: “It is rubbish but I need to be the strong one and support her, I have taken the role of mum and dad over the past months, I have no choice.”

Eloise Allsop and her cousin Charmaine Allen
Eloise Allsop and her cousin Charmaine Allen

Charmaine’s mother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer years ago, however, she recovered and is still alive.

“She defeated all the odds. The way that my mother recovered, gives us hope for Eloise, we need to think positively, we can’t let that go, that is what we are holding onto now,” said Charmaine.

She added: “I felt useless and devastated when I found out about Eloise and I haven’t got anything myself but I knew this town would pull together when people’s luck is down and I knew that if I posted on social media it would be close to people’s hearts.

“She has young children and many families can relate, it makes so many women think if it was them, look at their children, and people’s support has been amazing.”

Eloise and her family have been supported by Macmillan Cancer Support since the diagnosis.

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