Plans submitted for new Chinese restaurant on Baldertongate, Newark
A plan to convert a vacant Newark shop into a Chinese restaurant is among the latest applications subjected to Newark and Sherwood District Council.
The application, by Wan Xiang He, is for premises on Baldertongate.
It includes alterations to the shopfront and installation of an extractor.
Other applications:
Balderton: Change of use of property to run a pet-sitting service and erection of dog shed building, at 6 Barkstone Close, by Shelley Frost.
Balderton: Two-storey extension to rear and first-floor extension over extension garage, including internal alterations and all associated external works, at 5 Kirton Close, by D. Walsh.
Balderton: Raising of roof, installation of three dormer windows, and side, rear and front extensions, at 4 Longfellow Drive, by G. Stocks.
Coddington: Reserved matters application for a new dwelling, at Blacks Farm, 27 Newark Road, by N. Mayo.
Edwinstowe: Amendment to planning permission 15/01060/FUL to insert additional lower and upper windows to the south elevation, at former public conveniences, at Forest Corner, by asset management, Newark and Sherwood District Council.
Elston: External rendering, at Shetlands, Old Chapel Lane, by Matt and Hayley Storey.
Elston: Widen existing single-storey garage and replace existing door, at Pemberton, Low Street, by M. Bush.
Halam: Extension to property to create an annexe (resubmission) Lowbank Farm, Radley Road, by D. Hoggard.
Newark: Upgrade to existing telecom site, including phase seven monopole, c/w wraparound cabinet at base and associated works, at Brunel Drive, DNS Brunel Drive, by MBNL — EE Ltd and Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd.
Newark: Two detached dwellings together with associated out buildings and landscaping (resubmission of application 18/01609/FUL) at land at Barnby Road, by M Pritchard.
Newark: Fascia signs, window graphics and totem (other) post signage, at Units 3 and 4 Beacon Hill Retail Park, Beacon Hill Road, by J. Mitchell.
Newark: Variation of condition two and 25 attached to planning permission 18/01137/OUTM to vary the phasing of the site and the type of goods which can be sold, at land off Northgate, by Merchant City Ltd.
Newark: Two fascia signs and one projecting sign (illuminated) at 24 Castlegate, by La Vita Bella.
Norwell: Demolition of existing farmhouse/double garage and construction of new farmhouse, at Willoughby Farmhouse, Carlton Lane, by W. Rigby and Sons.
Ollerton: Single-storey rear extension, at 38 Walesby Lane, by J. Reddington.
Southwell: Vary condtion two attached to 18/01258/FUL to allow phased development, at 37 and 39 Halloughton Road, by D. Orwin.
Southwell: Removal of wooden gatepost, alteration of position of current gates within existing gateway and installation of gate posts, at The Old Rectory, Church Street, by W. Green.
Southwell: Internal alterations, ground-floor extension to the rear of the property and changing the external material to render where indicated on plan, at 1 Palace View, by Mr and Mrs Platts.
Staunton: Single-storey extension between house and outbuilding, convert the outbuilding and erection of new garage, at Granary Barn, Staunton Grange, by S Bell.
Sutton-on-Trent: Demolition and replacement of garden walls. Removal of two unidentified trees in the Conservation area (Retrospective) at Lifford House, 13 Main Street, by Mr and Mrs Fairburn.
Thurgarton: Removal of garden shed and seating structure, erection of a single-storey summerhouse and a single-storey outdoor bar (retrospective) at Manor Cottage, Beck Street, by I Roberts.