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Opportunities to join Newark Parish Church choir

Newark Parish Church is seeking to recruit more singers for its famous church choir.

There are places available for people of all ages and voice types.

A particular invitation goes out to children in years 3 – 8 (aged seven – 13) to join as choristers.

Young members of the Newark Parish Church choir. Credit: Dr Stephen Bullamore
Young members of the Newark Parish Church choir. Credit: Dr Stephen Bullamore

There are also opportunities for scholars – young people aged 13 to 25 in full time education.

These young people sing in the renowned group and are given singing and music lessons to support their learning.

The church’s director of music, Dr Stephen Bullamore said: “I’m really looking forward to meeting people of any age who want to explore joining the choir here at St Mary Magdalene.

“It doesn’t matter whether or not you have sung in a choir before or whether your parents have sung in a choir.

“We will help you develop all the skills you need.”

There is a fine, 500 year-old tradition of children singing in St Mary’s choir.

Children sing as part of a team of choristers, developing their minds and enriching the lives of those around them.

They make friends and engage with some of the finest music known to mankind.

A generous scheme for subsidised music lessons to help choristers further develop their musical skills is also in place, supported by the Magnus Foundation.

There is even a scheme to borrow pianos to support their learning.

A few months ago the church hosted a choir from Mülheim an der Ruhr in Germany.

A return trip is being planned for after Easter and new recruits will have the chance to travel to sing concerts and services on tour in Germany.

Choristers joining the choir can also expect some fun social activities.

In recent years they have enjoyed bowling trips and pizza parties, camp-fire days, as well as summer barbecues.

They have sung in Ely, Peterborough and Southwell Cathedrals, as well as in the De Montfort Hall in Leicester.

Some former members of the choir have gained A-levels and diplomas in music; some have gone on to study music at university and beyond.

“It isn’t just about those who go on to become specialist musicians, though”, he said.

“Any child can learn to sing and contribute to our choir, gaining life skills and enjoying being involved in music-making for its own sake.”

Dr Bullamore also noted that those who took up singing whilst still young often enjoyed it throughout the rest of their lives.

“Singing regularly as part of church worship is a life-changing and life-enhancing experience; I am thrilled that we are able to offer it here in Newark.”

For further information, please contact Dr Bullamore either by email: choir@stmnewark.org or by phone: 07503 633784

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