Please support our local boxers
Newark's former professional boxer Esham Pickering is appealing for support. His boxing club on Millgate badly needs £1,875 to pay for the monthly rent and insurance while the club is closed during the coronavirus pandemic.
I want to wholeheartedly speak out in support of this extraordinary amateur boxing gym.
During these difficult times, many clubs like Newark Epic Golden Gloves are experiencing challenging times.
It is run entirely by voluntary coaches, who give up their time for the benefit of Newark and our communities. The gym is a sanctuary for many young people.
Esham and his volunteers cover essential overheads mainly through a combination of subscription fees, and fundraising boxing shows for the public.
There is a great deal of uncertainty around the impact that coronavirus will have on Epic Golden Gloves as they still need to cover their overheads, but with little to no income.
I believe boxing is one of the best way to stop violence in young people. It can provide an outlet by teaching self-discipline and help anti-social behaviour.
Newark cannot afford to lose Epic Golden Gloves club, so please support #KOCOVID19 and ensure the club will survive into the future.
You can donate to help the club at — LAURENCE GOFF, The Osiers, Newark.