Nottinghamshire Police find thief 'hiding' in bedroom with stolen tortoise
Nottinghamshire Police has confirmed a thief was found "hiding" with a stolen tortoise in a bedroom yesterday (Wednesday).
Victor, the 15-year-old reptile was recovered at a Newark address after his disappearance from Worksop on July 23.
Notts Police say the "shellfish" offender has been dealt with and Victor's family are now "shellibrating" his re-appearance.
"We received a report of an alleged tortoise theft from the rear garden of a property on July 23 and as a result of police inquiries, an address was identified and a suspect was found hiding in a bedroom at the property," said PC Dean Fenton.
The suspect was interviewed for the alleged theft and dealt with by police who said the offender was remorseful.
PC Fenton said: "We asked Newark to attend the address and recover the stolen tortoise and return it to the family who are now absolutely over the moon to get Victor back.
"The animal is very sentimental to the family it was taken from and were fortunate to get him back because usually these animals are just sold on."
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