As communities across the nation fell silent to mark Remembrance Sunday, Southwell offered its tribute to the fallen.
Remembrance started at the Burgage war memorial where hundreds gathered to pay respects to the armed forces.
The chairman of Southwell Town Council, Martin Scott opened the day with a welcome before laying of wreaths by Kevin Harper.
The Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of Remembrance
The Last Post was played by Minster school just before a two minute silence was observed at 11am after the ringing of Southwell Minster’s bells.
The Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceScouts wreath layingThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of Remembrance
The Dean of Southwell, Nicola Sullival read prayers before the parade marched off.
The parade then formed up to march from The Burgage, down King Street, the market place and up Westage before arriving at Southwell Minster where a church service took place at 11.15am.
The Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceMartin Stott of Southwell Town CouncilThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceHoly Trinity Infants School, wreath layingCadets at Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of Remembrance
The church service was led by canon precentor, Revd Dr Richard Frith.
“Remembrance Day is a very important day for the town and Southwell Minster,” said the canon precentor.
The Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceRepresentative of His Majesty The King, Dame Elizabeth Fradd, talking to Army cadetsThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of Remembrance
He added: “We are privileged to play our parts in remembering those who fought for the freedoms we have today.”
Martin Stott of Southwell Town Council laying the wreath at War Memorial GatesThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of RemembranceThe Royal British Legion and Southwell Minster Service of Remembrance
Following the service at the Minster, wreath laying took place at War Memorial Gates at around 12noon.