A move away from rented office space is set to save a council more than £270,000 a year.
Neighbourhood policing and support for vulnerable young people is to be strengthened as part of a new four-year policing plan.
National figures have revealed Nottinghamshire Police is one of the most proactive forces for burglary investigations.
One young resident’s path to a career in the arts will be given a boost thanks to a new grant opportunity.
Eligibility criteria for community grants has been changed to ensure more residents can learn new skills and improve their quality of life.
Millions of pounds are set to be invested to support bus services across Nottinghamshire, including 13 bus services in Newark and Sherwood.
Winners have been selected from almost 250 photographs submitted to a district-wide competition.
Nottinghamshire’s fire service is pushing for more on-call firefighters to join — with three stations’ available hours “well below target”.
An uninsured motorist has been ordered to pay more than £1,000 — and banned from the roads due to his repeat offending.
More than 60 miles have been covered either by bike or by foot by a councillor on a mission to support three vital charities.
The leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council has described the council’s preferred plan for devolution in Nottinghamshire.
The following planning applications have been submitted to Newark and Sherwood District Council for decision.
New specialised equipment has been rolled out, to help firefighters tackle electric vehicle fires.
The district council is raising awareness to a fake letter is being sent to households across the district.