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The Newark Advertiser found out people’s opinions on immigration following former Immigration Minister and current Newark MP Robert Jenrick viral video on immigration

In its weekly voxpop, the Advertiser found out people’s opinions on immigration.

The question this week follows a viral video published on social media by Newark MP Robert Jenrick where he tells the “truth that needs to be told” about immigration.

The post has sparked some backlash and debate from members of the public and rivals who criticise the rhetoric and language used by the MP.

Following the video that caused a stir across the internet, the Advertiser heard what people in Newark had to say about immigration and if they shared the same or similar views as Robert Jenrick.

Michael Tinnis said: “I think we should stop them all because we are getting invaded, this is an army coming in and we are going to get attacked.

“I definitely agree with Jenrick.”

In the video the former Immigration Minister is joined by fellow Conservative MP Neil O'Brien, the MP for Market Harborough in Leicestershire, and begins with the pair asking the question “if we lived in a country where our immigration system had failed for 30 years, what would it look like?”

Sharon Davidson said: “We have got too many immigrants coming over here and when they come here they get housed before our own people.

“There is too many homeless people which means our government should house them first before all these immigrants, they get given money to live on and everything while there is people, our people, who are struggling.

“They get everything put on a plate for them and our own people are struggling, it just annoys me.

“I don’t mind some coming here but there should definitely be boundaries.”

Antony Davidson said: “I totally agree with her, the youngsters nowadays are scared of getting their hands dirty.

“I used to work in a shipyard and we used to take 800 to 900 apprentices a year but now it’s only 80 or 90.

“The majority of workplaces like builders, engineers, etc, immigrants are taking the jobs but our youngsters as well the last five to 10 years are scared of getting their hands dirty.

“Fair play if the immigrants come and are skilled and come and do the jobs because the youngsters here left the door wide open for them.

“I have no problems with anyone coming here and working.”

Sharon added: “The ones that come over on boats come over thinking everything is going to be easy over here and I think that is what annoys a lot of people because they get everything given to them.

“Like our own veterans who fought in wars for us, who are losing their houses, living on the streets, they should be prioritised and people like that.”

Some points made by the MPs in the video have been criticised, such as the claims that the majority of immigrants do not add to economic growth; either working low-wage, low-skilled jobs or not at all, and take more out of the economy than they contribute.

“I think up to a certain point I don’t like all the boats coming over nad something has to be done about that,” said Mrs Mackinder.

She added: “But at the minute if they are prepared to come over and work then fine, if there are jobs for them to do then fine.

“I do like Robert Jenrick and I think he has worked really hard for Newark.”

Sarah, who chose not to give away her surname, said: “I do know people who work in very high-paid jobs that have come from abroad.

“It is really difficult because a lot of the low-paid jobs, a lot of people in this country don’t want to do it so we rely on people coming from Europe, seasonal workings for farms and things so I don’t agree with Jenrick entirely.

“It is a really complicated situation and there is no right or wrong but I do think it needs to be monitored carefully and that the people coming over here are working productively living here and being members of the society.”

A man who wishes to remain anonymous said: “I think people should have a skillset before coming here and that they should be allowed to work here but made to pay taxes and not get their taxes straight away.

“My daughter-in-law is Romanian and she contributes a lot to this country, she has a great job, she speaks fantastic English, even better than me, and I think people should be made to learn the language and then they can contribute more.”

Now the Advertiser ask its readers — What is your opinion on immigration?

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