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Readers Letters: Facts point to solar activity

I am in total agreement with Michael Bassey when he writes in his latest letter “Industry adds to global warming” that the internet contains many articles about global warming, but I take issue with his closing remark that “the evidence is that current CO2 levels add another element of warming.”

What evidence?

And how much can be reliably attributed to man-made CO2?

Readers' letters
Readers' letters

Much of the current hype is based on hypothesis, opinion, and unreliable and very expensive computer models that are unable to take effect of clouds and water vapour (the largest greenhouse gas by far) and have consistently failed to replicate historic weather events.

I prefer simple facts rather than opinion, and some follow here:-

Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant and is a wonder trace gas, essential for life on Earth.

It is generally believed that if CO2 levels fall below 150ppm, then plant life in Earth will die
and thus put the human race at serious risk of survival.

NASA's website informs us that “A quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide “.

This means higher crop yields and less global starvation.

More people die from cold than from hot weather.

The book “The Neglected Sun” by Fritz Varenholt explains that:- “99.98% of the total energy of the Earth's climate comes from the Sun, and so small changes in energy have huge impacts”, and goes on to show that temperatures and the control of wet and drought phases on Earth have followed solar activity for 1000's of years.

I predict that history will show that politicians flogging decarbonisation will have as much credibility as snake-oil salesmen in the old Wild West. — Colin Southgate, Coddington

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