New pitches considered for Traveller community on Barnby Road, Newark
A decision over plans for eight caravan pitches has been deferred.
An application has been submitted to Newark and Sherwood District Council to change the use of a paddock on Barnby Road, Newark, for eight caravan pitches and two bungalow-style amenity buildings.
The existing site is made up of horse paddocks surrounded on all sides by hedges and mature trees, with a train line running to Newark Northgate along the northern boundary.
The application was submitted by a family currently living on Tolney Lane, Newark, who say their current accommodation is too small for their family and vehicles which have to be parked on neighbouring streets.
These pitches would serve the growing family as children will need a more permanent base when at school.
The pitches will also be made available to other families when unoccupied during the summer months.
Newark Town council discussed the plans before sending a recommendation to Newark and Sherwood District Council.
Planning committee chairman Jane Olsen said: "The site is so close to the school entrance, it seems unfeasible.
"Twice a day traffic is ridiculous along there, people double parking on both sides of the road. This would make access difficult."
There was also ecological concern from residents who said the site was near a pond where toad migration takes place and construction could interfere with that.
Committee member David Lloyd said: "I'm trying to remember the first time I objected to this site — it must have been close to the turn of the millennium. This site has been refused in the past.
"There are also concerns about flooding in the area and when Gypsy and Traveller sites were sought in the past, this site was suggested but was found to be unsuitable."
Councillors unanimously agreed to a deferral until comments had been submitted by Nottinghamshire County Council's highways department.
The application will be reviewed again at a later date.