A care home has marked Sepsis Awareness Month with a ‘TEAth’ Party.
Parents of children who have started in year 6 this September are being reminded to submit their secondary school applications.
A council has turned to the courts to gain entry to properties that aren’t currently covered by potentially life-saving utilities safety certificates.
Towns and communities along the route of the Tour of Britain Nottinghamshire stage were really made to feel a part of the occasion, it is said.
Health scrutinisers are urging the public to make their voices heard when it comes to the future opening hours of Newark’s Urgent Treatment Centre.
A Polish war hero wounded three times in combat has passed away after reaching his 100th birthday.
The enthusiasm and kindness of residents, groups and charities and council workers in supporting refugees has been lauded at a council meeting.
Villagers will benefit following the opening of the refurbished play area/community space.
Plans to build on a former allotments site and tree works in a cathedral’s palace gardens are among proposals submitted this week.
Once again it’s time for the annual Collingham Show and Ploughing Match, which takes place on September 16 at Larksfield on Newark Road.
Organisations have paired up for what is billed as a brand new event that will feather a charity’s nest.
In a tragic incident that has shaken our whole community, Sergeant Graham Saville made the ultimate sacrifice while responding to a call of distress.
A village’s summer horticultural show is still growing strong as it celebrates 130 years young.
Significant changes to highly controversial proposals for a former Newark school site have been made in the hope of appeasing the community.
Newark Book Festival isn’t just a fun-filled festival weekend in July, with events happening throughout the district and beyond all year.
An actor is seeking cast and crew for a project that she hopes will break down barriers and lead to greater understanding of autism.
On the weekend of September 16/17 it will be 60 years since Avro Vulcan XM594 entered operational squadron service with the Royal Air Force.
Anti-social behaviour in Newark Town Hall and Buttermarket have forced the owners to apply for steel gates to keep the perpetrators at bay.
Newark Parish Church is seeking permission for roof repairs
Like most of my fellow Independents for Newark (IfN) town councillors I had never stood for election before, writes Dawn Campbell.