South Nottinghamshire Academy said it was celebrating the amazing achievements of its sixth form students.
For students across the area, A-level results day today marks the culmination of years of study and we’ll tell you the results as we get them here.
Plans including demolishing a pigsty, new first-time homes and replacing a car lot with residences have all been submitted for approval.
The transition between private providers left almost every aspect of a prison in turmoil, says a watchdog.
Music fans looking for an entertaining August bank holiday weekend can head to Southwell.
A housebuilder is encouraging the community to embrace the nature on their doorstep by offering free bug quest kits to children.
Copper cable coverings were dumped in a village on the Newark Half-marathon route just 24 hours before the race took place.
What next for The Shed At The End Of The Galaxy and can a town centre nursery be converted into homes?
Two pairs of birds that became extinct in the UK during the 19th century have bred at a nature reserve.
Mark Rogers has been appointed as the interim chief officer of the East Midlands devolution programme.
A golf club stalwart has received a prestigious award.
Traffic mayhem in the town centre looks to set to continue for weeks to come.
Member of Parliament Robert Jenrick has announced a huge grant awarded to Citizens Advice Sherwood and Newark.
Volunteers are sought for the spectacular Newark Dragon Boat Festival.
A round-up of court appearances sees a regular shoplifter jailed for re-offending while on a community order.
Kilos of quality of clothing are again up for grabs at a Newark charity shop this coming weekend.
Police are investigating the unexplained deaths of two people found in their village home.
A commemoration service to remember miners lost to a pit disaster is to take place in the coming days for the last time.
An MP has announced the latest rollout of community diagnostic centres (CDCs) that his government says will tackle long waiting lists.
The popular Newark-on-Sea is back for a second year bringing beach huts, ice cream, sandcastles and buckets and spades to the centre of town..