A couple in an affluent village have built a swimming pool, summerhouse, outdoor gym and spa on green belt land without planning permission.
The number of internationally-recognised parks in Newark and Sherwood has increased
The popular Newark-on-Sea is back for a second year bringing beach huts, ice cream, sandcastles and buckets and spades to the centre of town..
Many luxury additions have been added to a property with out prior consent, now the owners want consent to keep them.
Healthcare charity Sue Ryder is stocking a range that promotes living more sustainably, protecting ecosystems, and preserving natural resources.
NFU Mutual agents and their staff at the Newark agency recently nominated Beaumond House Hospice Care to receive a donation of more than £6,443.
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Caroline Henry has been appointed as a national lead championing the voices of victims of crime.
Newark Parish Church's popular Music for Market recital series saw an array of young talents performing.
The owner of a business new to Newark says he feels he’s made right choice having had nothing but best wishes during the period of a premises’ refit.
Animal lovers clapped and cheered the rescue of three emaciated abandoned dogs that were seen licking a wondow pane for moisture in a locked property.
A sticky underfoot issue that blights a town centre is set to addressed.
The full Tour of Britain route through Nottinghamshire has been revealed and there’s plenty of places in Newark and Sherwood it passes through.
Police have rescued three emaciated and starving dogs that were abandoned in a house in Newark amid a public outcry.
Emaciated dogs locked inside a property have been seen licking condensation from a window pane for the moisture as neighbours beg for their rescue.
A 37-year-old has been banned from driving for six months.
A petition to reinstate cartoons Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick ‘ordered’ to be painted over has been signed by over 53,000 people.
Newark MP Robert Jenrick has yet to respond to reports he ordered murals of Mickey Mouse to be removed at a child asylum seekers centre.
The latest submitted planning applications include Newark’s former piano school that was damaged in an act of arson.
In my years as your MP, few surgery appointments have been as moving as when my constituent Natasha came to see me earlier this year.
The annual Jason Ginnelly Memorial Football Match will take place on Sunday.